Klop: this transfer window has learned a lot. We won’t have any players transferred out.

Live Bar, August 18 -at the press conference signed against Bournemouth, Liverpool coach Klopp talked about the transfer window. He said that the team would not have any players transferred out this summer. Klopp said like this: “Nothing will happen when players turn out. But I have learned a lot in this transfer window. In terms of transfer, there is still time. We will take a look.” (Ma Dongyu)

Guasai: de Blau is short of internal injuries for four or five months. We must adjust that Newcastle Liverpool is the team with the strongest physical quality.

Live broadcast on August 18-at 3 a.m. Beijing Time on August 20, Manchester City will play Newcastle United at home in the second round of the Premier League. Before the game, Manchester City coach Guardiola attended the press conference and talked about the game. Talk about this rival Newcastle– Newcastle is a team participating in the Champions League. If you can qualify for the Champions League, this team has performed very well last season. No one believes what happened to them last season, but you see the result and believe they will continue to do so. Eddie Hao has built a very good team. They have done a good job in attack and defense conversion and ball control. They can control the game situation, which will be a serious challenge for us. Is Newcastle a Premier League champion contender? If they can handle the matches in each field, including the Champions League, the FA Cup and the Carling Cup, they will have a competitive advantage if they can do it well. The situation of a team playing one game a week is completely different from that of playing four games a week. If they can handle it well, they will certainly compete. This is Manchester City’s first Premier League game in the new season– I hope our stadium will be packed tomorrow. I hope everyone will stay with us. The team is not at the best moment yet. We need support and shouting most when we encounter difficulties. After we went through the Champions League, the FA Cup final and won the championship Super Cup, this is the first time we have returned to the home game. I hope we can celebrate with the fans. Return to the Premier League Super Cup– Of course we are ready to go back to the game. The team needs such a challenge. We are facing the difficulties of injuries and intensive competitions, but this is also a challenge we must face and we will overcome as soon as possible. Players’ injuries– Stone can’t play? Yes, he didn’t train with the team. Last time he trained his muscles, he didn’t feel very comfortable. I’m not sure how long he will rest. Maybe Ruben Dias can play. Alvarez also had some discomfort. He only appeared on the Super Cup substitute for a few minutes. He was very important to us, especially he played an excellent penalty kick in the penalty kick war, judging from his character, this is also the reason why he appeared in the last few minutes. Bernard Silva will be back soon, and I believe he will be ready next week. The injury of deburne– When de Blau was injured last season, Jing Duan stayed in the team. Maybe we have to make adjustments to deal with the external treatment of our situation. I am sure we need to make some necessary adjustments, but I don’t know yet. De Braune is a very good player for us. His injury is not a week or two, but for four or five months. He is 32 years old. For the team, we need him to have excellent physical quality and his response is very decisive. The impact of intensive schedule on the lineup– We hope to continue to be competitive, but we do have big problems now, whether for multi-line competitions or others. Every coach would say that in my position. A few days ago, we were in Greece (participating in Super Cup). We played football at 10 p.m. and slept at 4 p.m., where the temperature was 35-40 degrees, and then we came back to prepare for the match. The game starts tomorrow, but we can’t train today, we can only simply recover, we have no time. I want to play one more day later,…… Well, we accept that this is a challenge for us and everyone will say so. This is also the reason why we win. We have always faced such a situation. In the past, we only had little recovery time, but this is not a problem. We need to try. Newcastle and Liverpool are the teams with the strongest overall physical quality in the league, but we need to play the team well and prepare the way to deal with it. (Jin Hao) ? Come and see the coach compete before the match.

Reporter: Zhao Yujie wants to be irreplaceable in the Chinese women’s football team, and the league performance needs to be more eye-catching.

Live broadcast bar, August 18 -reporter Zhao Yu commented on the controversy and discussion caused by Zhao Yujie’s questioning of Chinese women’s football talent-selecting standards. Zhao Yu believes that there is no problem for Zhao Yujie to express his personal opinion on his understanding of football, but the player’s obscure statement cannot completely explain the current situation, moreover, Zhao Yujie’s data in the Danish league (12 games and 4 goals) is not eye-catching, so it is difficult for him to have an irreplaceable position in the Chinese women’s football team. The full text of Zhao Yushe media is as follows: After reading the voice of Zhao Yujie, a foreign player of Chinese women’s football team, I think there is no problem for athletes to express their personal opinions according to their own understanding of football. A lot of things will give the outside world a way to understand the internal situation of the team. I’m not sure who she is targeting, maybe it’s just a phenomenon. During the women’s football World Cup, the media did not report much about the team’s internal situation. It was difficult for everyone to know the most comprehensive situation, so more voices were needed. Of course, I don’t think the players’ obscure statements on social media can fully explain the current situation. Different people will have different views on the employment of coach Shui Qingxia in the World Cup, which is normal and can be discussed within the scope of business. Guandiola, Lippi, Yakai, these successful coaches will be questioned in employment, not to mention the Chinese women’s football coach. There is room for discussion in the business, but I don’t doubt the character of coach Shui Qingxia. Zhao Yujie’s failure to participate in the World Cup must be a special pity for her. Appearing on the stage of the World competition is the dream of every professional player. After looking at her appearance data in the Danish league, I think if she wants to have an irreplaceable position in the Chinese women’s football team, she still needs to have a more eye-catching performance in the league, just like Zhang Linyan. It is not easy for every girl to play football overseas, and she is chasing her football dream. Therefore, take advantage of your youth to improve yourself, become that irreplaceable person, create more possibilities for the Chinese women’s football team and yourself. Come on. (Derison)

Ask 15 million pounds! Reporter: Fulham is also interested in Manchester City defense general Baylis

Live broadcast on August 18, according to Sky Sports reporter Lyall Thomas, Fulham is also interested in Manchester City defense general Bellis. The reporter wrote: AS Monaco considers to quote Adara Biot again, Fulham needs to consider finding his alternative target. One of the targets they are interested in is Manchester City rear Defense General Taylor Baylis. According to previous reports, many champions teams such as Leicester City are interested in Bellis, and Manchester City’s asking price for him is 15 million pounds. (Baili)

Photo: Pawal asked to leave Inter Milan yesterday, but he wanted to go to Manchester United more.

Live broadcast on August 18 news “pictorial” news, Pawal yesterday had asked Bayern executives to leave the team, Inter Milan has quoted but he would rather go to Manchester United. The media revealed that Inter Milan had joined the battle for Paval, and the player himself preferred to join Manchester United but faced multiple difficulties. Pawal was eager to leave Bayern. He had a private meeting with senior Drayson yesterday and informed the other party of his willingness to leave the team. Pawal respected and appreciated Bayern club, but could not see his future in Bayern and asked for permission to leave. It is reported that Pawal made no secret of the idea of leaving the team in Bayern. Inter Milan has officially offered more than 25 million euros today, but Bayern wants at least 35 million to 40 million euros. However, Inter Milan does not intend to raise the quotation any more. At the same time, due to the blow of Maguire’s transfer to West Ham, parval is also difficult to join Manchester United. At present, RED MAGIC is only a preliminary contact. (richard)

Kane interview: joining Bayern is not just a desire for Champions. I am used to looking at the peak instead of stopping to win the scene along the way.

On August 13, 2023, Bayern Munich football club announced that England star Harry Kane officially joined the club, providing important fire support for the team’s front court, and the transfer fee also broke the club’s historical record, it became the most eye-catching transfer in European football this summer. Harry Kane is a veritable all-round center with the ability of termination, organization and other aspects to revitalize all aspects of Bayern inpre-market. For him, he is eager to win the championship and looking forward to higher-level challenges, which is also an important reason for joining the “Bundesliga giant. Q: Let’s talk about the starting point of your career. Do you still remember the first club that you played for, the Ridgeway wanderer? A: “Yes, Ridgeway. I remember I was probably only about five years old when I played football on their behalf for the first time. At that age, the only thing you care about is playing football happily with your friends. Many of my teammates at that time were friends in my school, so I only remember that we had a good time. You know, I never planned too much for the future at that time. I have never thought about what I will do when I grow up, but I know I love football, which is all I want to do at that age.” Q: What role did Dave Brickell play in your growth? A: “Yes, Dave is great. He is my coach and a very good coach, but he is not only a technical coach, but also a person who teaches me to behave in the world and is a person who can speak freely. At that time, many of us were afraid of him because of his loud voice. He has always supported me throughout my career, so I have been very grateful to him.” Q: How did he always support you along the way? A: “He is also A Tottenham Hotspur fan, and he always keeps in touch with my family. He is very concerned about my career, so I am sure he is proud of my achievements now. As I said, I am very grateful for his company and guidance over the years.” Q: What impact did your family have on your career? A: “Yes, family is an important part of everything I have achieved now. You know, since I was young, my parents have taken me to training together to ensure that I will not be absent. My brother often plays football with me in the park or garden. So yes, family is very important to me. As I grew older, I met my wife Kate, who also supported me very much. Whenever something doesn’t go so well, she can always see the other side of it. She always supports me, inspires me and helps me. Now we have three children and another one is about to be born. Family is really important to me. I wouldn’t be here without them.” Q: Where does your sense of competition come from? A: “Maybe it’s from my brother. I think anyone with a brother will always be in a competitive relationship. My brother and I are always playing games or sports, which is what we have done since we were young, and I have always wanted to play with his friends. He is four years older than me, so I think it exercises my sense of competition.” Q: rejection seems to be an essential lesson in every football player’s career. We know that Arsenal rejected you at the beginning. What does this experience mean to you? A: “I remember when I was eight or nine years old, I was abandoned by Arsenal, but at that age, you wouldn’t realize that you were abandoned. For me, leaving Arsenal just means I have to go to the next destination. Although Arsenal didn’t choose me, it didn’t stop my desire to play football. I said to myself: Let’s find another team and let’s continue to work hard. You know, sometimes you have to show resilience, and you have to show confidence at such a time. When I communicate with young players nowadays, these are the two points I often talk about; Work hard and remain confident, because you can’t do these two points, then you have no chance to really make progress, naturally, it cannot be better. So, in retrospect, although it was a difficult time, I was very happy to find a new team and continue to play.” Q: What was your original intention to set up a foundation based on your own experience? A: “The Foundation we established last year has made good progress so far. Its original intention was to pay attention to mental health and help everyone, especially young people, to build up frustration resistance. Let them understand-everyone will have ups and downs and encounter some setbacks along the way, which is normal. The key lies in how you deal with it and who you talk to and accept help., Never just endure silently. Always keep talking with family members, friends or coaches and other people around you to express your feelings. So far, this is a pleasant journey. We only spent one year, but we learned a lot about mental health. Yes, this will be what I want to continue to do now and in the future.” Q: After Super Cup in Germany, Mattis Terr encountered some racial discrimination on social media. What do you think of this? A: “I think this is totally unacceptable. Tel is a talented young player who has done everything for the team and the club, so no matter who wrote such a thing, they are not qualified to become real fans. So I mean, I am sure that the club also understands this situation, and the relevant departments will also help us reduce the occurrence of this kind of situation as much as possible. For us as players and Terr’s teammates, Yogueta need to communicate or advice, we are around him. This is what we want to do and do.” Q: On Friday night, you will play Werder Bremen. Do you feel even a little nervous about this match? A: “I think so. This is a brand new team and a brand new environment. I am always full of confidence in myself and my ability, but it takes time and patience to integrate into a new environment. Of course, if you want to join a rich club like Bayern Munich, you must constantly improve your level, which is also the purpose of joining Bayern. I want to make progress, I want to be better. So as long as I play, what I have to do is to help the team as much as possible and try to push the people around me to become better. The game is the most comfortable time for me.” Q: What ideas of Thomas tuhull attract you to Bayern? A: “We talked. He said he needed me in his tactical system. He shared his game style and the most suitable position for me. My teammates also have excellent abilities, which have played an important role in joining Bayern. And I can compete for the league championship every season and be competitive with the Champions League championship, which is exactly what I want. Tuhull and Bayern gave me such an opportunity.” Q: Does tuhull regard you as pure 9? At Tottenham Hotspur, your position will retreat slightly and take on some offensive organization work. A: “Yes, I think it may be more suitable for No. 9 at first, but as always, it depends on the different needs of different teams. Throughout my career, I have always said that I can play the role of no.9 or no.10, and I always decide this according to the situation of my opponents and their arrangement methods. Do they retreat deeply? Do they press forward? So I will continue to do the same thing. In Bayern, I may start from a higher position and take the 9th position and appear more in the restricted area. But even when I play number ten, I will not retreat too deeply. I have been looking for goals, passes, and direct plugs, so I think we will look at the plans for the next few weeks. We have some excellent players here, so if I appear around the penalty area, they will be very good at responding and running for me.” Q: Some hometown fans don’t understand why you want to transfer to Bayern. What do you want to say to them? A: “Everyone has their own opinions, but most importantly, it is my own career, and I will make the best decision for me and my family. I have said since the first day that I never want to stop making progress. When I came to such a club, I felt that I challenged myself and made myself better. If I want to win the Champions League, if I want to win the league every year, this is the perfect platform for me to show my ability. Only time can prove, only the future can prove whether this is the right choice, but I am completely confident that this is the best thing for my career, it is also the best thing for Bayern Munich, and I am very happy to show you that I can reach another height.” Q: So, is winning the championship an important reason why you joined Bayern? A: “No, I don’t think so. People often talk about honor, you know, there is a lot about me chasing honor on social media, but for me, this is continuous progress-of course I want to win the Championship, when I was at Tottenham Hotspur, I also wanted to win every year, and I didn’t work hard in any season. So as I have always said, this is not just the trophy itself, but to spur yourself. Clubs like Bayern Munich are under great pressure. Everyone thinks that winning the league championship is the foundation. You must also make sure that you go further in the Champions League or you will fail. This is the experience I want to feel, this is the pressure I want to feel, and this is the ultimate reason why I am here.” Q: What is the biggest challenge you have encountered here? Maybe German? A: “It should be German. I mean I will try my best to learn, but it must be an extremely difficult language. The advantage is that many people here speak English, which will help me anyway, but I will try my best to integrate into the culture. I will try to learn languages, I will try to know as much as possible about the fans, but I think the most important thing is that people want me to show a good competitive state on the court. Bayern Munich fans hope that I can significantly improve the team’s offensive performance on the court. Therefore, even if I don’t speak German well, as long as I score goals, I believe they won’t be too disappointed. However, this is not an excuse. As I said, I am willing to try to do as many things as possible.” Q: Since you mentioned becoming a leader, what is the best way to push your teammates forward? A: “to make people play the best, in fact, it is not entirely necessary to do it by shouting loudly. I think as a leader, we need to know the personality of each teammate and their motivation. What makes them better? What makes them full of motivation? So you know, in the next few weeks, I will always know as much as possible about them, and also help them to know more about my competition style. The two complement each other. If you want to be a team leader, you must have confidence and promote it as much as possible in various ways, whether it is verbal motivation or body movements such as hugging. Although I am still young, it has always naturally existed in my DNA. I always do this naturally on the court, so I come here and continue to insist. I hope my presence can help the team enhance confidence.” Q: What do you think of Thomas Muller’s energy? A: “Great, I like it very much. As I said before, he has invited me to play golf, which should be next week. So I have to bring my equipment from England. People like Muller are very helpful to every team. You know, he has proved his ability year after year. I think his personality is also very important to this team, so I believe we will get along well and hope we can have good interaction on the court.” Q: After joining Bayern, do you realize that you need to wear leather shorts at the Oktoberfest? A: “Yes, I have seen it before. But to be honest, I didn’t know leather perforating shorts were necessary before, but I found this quickly, so… like I said, I am willing to learn about new cultures, this is part of this journey and part of this new experience. I don’t know what it would be like to wear leather shorts, so I’ll see it then.” Q: How will you interact with the Bundesliga fans? A: “As I said before, I am looking forward to learning as much as possible about German football. I am sure they are also excited about my coming to the Bundesliga, and I also look forward to showing them my ability as soon as possible. I am sure that most teams and most stadiums will fight for their home teams. Fans like to see great matches and great players’ performances. Therefore, I will know as much as possible about the fans and let them know as much as possible about me.” Q: How would you react if you could go through the past and say to Harry Kane, who played for Millwall at that time, “Ten years later, you will become a super star in Bayern Munich? A: “To be honest, I don’t think I will respond much. I am used to watching the peak, not stopping to win the scenery along the way. Of course, it feels great to join Bayern, but I won’t get carried away. I know I still have a lot of work to do.” Q: What other aspects do you think you still have room for improvement? A: “I feel very good at present and I am in good health. My pre-season training adjusted my status to a suitable level. Every year I hope to make progress, such as different scoring methods, whether it is left foot, right foot, header, or others. Now playing for Bayern, maybe I can score in a narrower area through passing. So let’s wait and see. During the training, I have already done some exercises and adjustments on some small details. Let’s see if they work this season.” Q: Are you looking forward to the German national derby against Dortmund? A: “Yes, 100%. You know, even when I watch the German National Derby in England, you can feel the atmosphere created by the fans and the meaning of this game to everyone. I had the experience of North London derbies, so I am sure the experience of German national derby will also be great. There is no doubt that this will be a difficult competition, but it will also make you want to participate in this competition and feel this warm atmosphere, so I am looking forward to it.”

Teng Hach: Maguire knows my expectations. How many matches he plays depends on himself.

Live broadcast on August 18 news at the press conference before the match against Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester United coach Teng Hach was asked about the situation of team guard Maguire. For this, Teng Hach said that Maguire knew his expectations. Teng Hach said like this: “Maguire is one of us. I am very glad that he is here. We need an excellent lineup. We have four excellent central defenders, there are five players including Luke Shaw. We need to do this, because we have to play 50 to 60 games this season and all the players are international players, so our task is very heavy, I’m glad Maguire is here.” “How many games he plays depends on himself. He knows my expectations. I have been here for a year. You know what my expectations are for central defenders. I have already told him that he has the ability to do this, and now he needs to show it. This is about character. He should be persuaded to play such a role. He has all the abilities to do this. When opportunities appear, things depend on himself.” (Ma Dongyu)